Source code for veranda.raster.gdalport

""" Some handy functions using GDAL to manage geospatial raster data. """

import os
import subprocess
from typing import Tuple
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_Update

NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE = {"bool": gdal.GDT_Byte,
                       "uint8": gdal.GDT_Byte,
                       "int8": gdal.GDT_Byte,
                       "uint16": gdal.GDT_UInt16,
                       "int16": gdal.GDT_Int16,
                       "uint32": gdal.GDT_UInt32,
                       "int32": gdal.GDT_Int32,
                       "float32": gdal.GDT_Float32,
                       "float64": gdal.GDT_Float64,
                       "complex64": gdal.GDT_CFloat32,
                       "complex128": gdal.GDT_CFloat64}

GDAL_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE = {gdal.GDT_Byte: "uint8",
                       gdal.GDT_Int16: "int16",
                       gdal.GDT_Int32: "int32",
                       gdal.GDT_UInt16: "uint16",
                       gdal.GDT_UInt32: "uint32",
                       gdal.GDT_Float32: "float32",
                       gdal.GDT_Float64: "float64",
                       gdal.GDT_CFloat32: "cfloat32",
                       gdal.GDT_CFloat64: "cfloat64"}

GDAL_RESAMPLE_TYPE = {"nearest": gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour,
                      "bilinear": gdal.GRA_Bilinear,
                      "cubic": gdal.GRA_Cubic,
                      "cubicspline": gdal.GRA_CubicSpline,
                      "lanczos": gdal.GRA_Lanczos,
                      "average": gdal.GRA_Average,
                      "mode": gdal.GRA_Mode

[docs]def dtype_np2gdal(np_dtype) -> object: """ Get GDAL data type from a NumPy-style data type. Parameters ---------- np_dtype : str NumPy-style data type, e.g. "uint8". Returns ------- str : GDAL data type. """ return NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE.get(np_dtype.lower())
[docs]def rtype_str2gdal(resampling_method) -> object: """ Get GDAL resample type from resampling method. Parameters ---------- resampling_method : str Resampling method, e.g. "cubic". Returns ------- object : GDAL resampling. """ return GDAL_RESAMPLE_TYPE.get(resampling_method.lower())
[docs]def try_get_gdal_installation_path(gdal_path=None) -> str: """ Tries to find the system path to the GDAL utilities if not already provided. Parameters ---------- gdal_path : str, optional The path where your GDAL utilities are installed. By default, this function tries to look up this path in the environment variable "GDAL_UTIL_HOME". If this variable is not set, then `gdal_path` must be provided as a key-word argument. Returns ------- gdal_path : str Path to installed GDAL utilities. """ if not gdal_path: gdal_path = _find_gdal_path() if not gdal_path: err_msg = "GDAL utility not found in system environment!" raise OSError(err_msg) return gdal_path
[docs]def convert_gdal_options_to_command_list(options) -> list: """ Prepares command line arguments for a GDAL utility. Parameters ---------- options : dict, optional A dictionary storing additional settings for the process. You can find all options at Returns ------- cmd_options : list of str Command line options for a GDAL utility given as a list of strings. """ # define specific options, which need to be quoted _opt_2b_in_quote = ["-mo", "-co"] cmd_options = [] for k, v in options.items(): is_iterable = isinstance(v, (tuple, list)) if k in _opt_2b_in_quote: if (k == "-mo" or k == "-co") and is_iterable: for i in range(len(v)): cmd_options.append(" ".join((k, string2cli_arg(v[i])))) else: cmd_options.append(" ".join((k, string2cli_arg(v)))) else: cmd_options.append(k) if is_iterable: cmd_options.append(' '.join(map(str, v))) else: cmd_options.append(str(v)) return cmd_options
[docs]def string2cli_arg(string) -> str: """ Decorates the given string with double quotes. """ return f'"{string}"'
[docs]def call_gdal_util(util_name, src_files, dst_file=None, options=None, gdal_path=None) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Call a GDAL utility to run a GDAL operation (see Parameters ---------- util_name : str Pre-defined name of the utility, e.g. "gdal_translate", which converts raster data between different formats, potentially performing some operations like sub-settings, resampling, or rescaling pixels. src_files : str or list of str The name(s) of the source data. It can be either a file path, URL to the data source or a sub-dataset name for multi-dataset file. dst_file : str, optional Full system path to the output file. Defaults to None, i.e. the GDAL utility itself deals with defining a file path. options : dict, optional A dictionary storing additional settings for the process. You can find all options at gdal_path : str, optional The path where your GDAL utilities are installed. By default, this function tries to look up this path in the environment variable "GDAL_UTIL_HOME". If this variable is not set, then `gdal_path` must be provided as a key-word argument. Returns ------- successful : bool True if process was successful. output : str Console output. """ options = options or dict() gdal_path = try_get_gdal_installation_path(gdal_path) # prepare the command string cmd = [] gdal_cmd = os.path.join(gdal_path, util_name) if gdal_path else util_name cmd.append(string2cli_arg(gdal_cmd)) cmd.extend(convert_gdal_options_to_command_list(options)) # add source files and destination file (in double quotation) if isinstance(src_files, (tuple, list)): src_files_str = " ".join(src_files) else: src_files_str = string2cli_arg(src_files) cmd.append(src_files_str) if dst_file is not None: cmd.append(string2cli_arg(dst_file)) output = subprocess.check_output(" ".join(cmd), shell=True, cwd=gdal_path) successful = _analyse_gdal_output(str(output)) return successful, output
def _find_gdal_path() -> str: """ Looks-up the GDAL installation path from the system environment variables, i.e. if "GDAL_UTIL_HOME" is set. Returns ------- path : str GDAL installation path, where all GDAL utilities are located. """ env_name = "GDAL_UTIL_HOME" return os.environ[env_name] if env_name in os.environ else None def _analyse_gdal_output(output) -> bool: """ Analyses console output from a GDAL utility, i.e. it tries to determine if a process was successful or not. Parameters ---------- output : str Console output. Returns ------- bool : True if the process completed success, else False. """ # return false if "Error" is found. if 'error' in output.lower(): return False # return true if "100%" is found. elif '100 - done' in output.lower(): return True # otherwise return false. else: return False def _add_scale_option(options, stretch=None, src_nodata=None) -> dict: """ Adds scale (and no data value) settings to dictionary containing command line options for gdal_translate. Parameters ---------- options : dict Dictionary with gdal_translate command line options. src_nodata: int, optional No data value of the input image. Defaults to None. If it is not None, then it will be transformed to 0 if it is smaller than minimum value range or to 255 if it is larger than the maximum value range. stretch : 2-tuple of number, optional Minimum and maximum input pixel value to consider for scaling pixels to 0-255. If omitted (default), pixel values will be scaled to the minimum and maximum value. Returns ------- options : dict Dictionary with gdal_translate command line options. """ stretch = stretch or (None, None) min_stretch, max_stretch = stretch options["-scale"] = ' ' if (min_stretch is not None) and (max_stretch is not None): options['-scale'] = (min_stretch, max_stretch, 0, 255) # stretching should be done differently if nodata value exist. # depending on nodatavalue, first or last position is reserved for nodata value if src_nodata is not None: if src_nodata < min_stretch: options['-scale'] = (min_stretch, max_stretch, 1, 255) options['-a_nodata'] = 0 elif src_nodata > max_stretch: options['-scale'] = (min_stretch, max_stretch, 0, 254) options['-a_nodata'] = 255 return options
[docs]def gen_qlook(src_file, dst_file=None, src_nodata=None, stretch=None, resize_factor=('3%', '3%'), ct=None, scale=True, output_format="GTiff", gdal_path=None) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Generates a quick-look image. Parameters ---------- src_file: str The name(s) of the source data. It can be either a file path, URL to the data source or a sub-dataset name for multi-dataset file. dst_file: str, optional Full system path to the output file. If not provided, the output file path will be a combination of `src_file` + '_qlook'. src_nodata: int, optional No data value of the input image. Defaults to None. If it is not None, then it will be transformed to 0 if it is smaller than minimum value range or to 255 if it is larger than the maximum value range. stretch : 2-tuple of number, optional Minimum and maximum input pixel value to consider for scaling pixels to 0-255. If omitted (default), pixel values will be scaled to the minimum and maximum value. resize_factor : 2-tuple of str, optional Size of the output file in pixels and lines, unless '%' is attached in which case it is as a fraction of the input image size. The default is ('3%', '3%'). ct : gdal.ColorTable, optional GDAL's color table used for displaying the quick-look data. Defaults to None. scale : bool, optional If True, pixel values will be scaled to 0-255 if `stretch` is given. output_format : str Output format of the quick-look. At the moment, 'GTiff' (default) and 'JPEG' are supported. gdal_path : str, optional The path where your GDAL utilities are installed. By default, this function tries to look up this path in the environment variable "GDAL_UTIL_HOME". If this variable is not set, then `gdal_path` must be provided as a key-word argument. Returns ------- successful : bool True if process was successful. output : str Console output. """ output_format = output_format.lower() f_ext = {'gtiff': 'tif', 'jpeg': 'jpeg'} gdal_path = try_get_gdal_installation_path(gdal_path) # check if destination file name is given. if not use the source directory if dst_file is None: dst_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_file), os.path.basename(src_file).split('.')[0] + '_qlook.{}'.format(f_ext[output_format])) # prepare options for gdal_transalte options_dict = {'gtiff': {'-of': 'GTiff', '-co': 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-mo': ['parent_data_file="%s"' % os.path.basename(src_file)], '-outsize': resize_factor, '-ot': 'Byte'}, 'jpeg': {'-of': 'jpeg', '-co': 'QUALITY=95', '-mo': ['parent_data_file="%s"' % os.path.basename(src_file)], '-outsize': resize_factor}} options = options_dict[output_format] if scale: options = _add_scale_option(options, stretch=stretch, src_nodata=src_nodata) # call gdal_translate to resize input file successful, output = call_gdal_util('gdal_translate', src_files=src_file, dst_file=dst_file, gdal_path=gdal_path, options=options) if (output_format == 'gtiff') and (ct is not None): # Update quick look image, attach color table this does not so easily # work with JPEG so we keep the colortable of the original file ds = gdal.Open(dst_file, GA_Update) # set the new color table if ds.RasterCount == 1: ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetRasterColorTable(ct) return successful, output
if __name__ == '__main__': pass