Source code for veranda.raster.mosaic.netcdf

""" Raster data class managing I/O for multiple NetCDF files. """

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import netCDF4
from netCDF4 import MFDataset
from typing import Tuple

from import SpatialRef
from geospade.raster import Tile
from geospade.raster import MosaicGeometry
from geospade import DECIMALS

from veranda.utils import to_list
from veranda.raster.native.netcdf import NetCdf4File
from veranda.raster.mosaic.base import RasterDataReader, RasterDataWriter, RasterAccess

[docs]class NetCdfReader(RasterDataReader): """ Allows to read and manage a stack of NetCDF files. """ def __init__(self, file_register, mosaic, stack_dimension='layer_id', stack_coords=None, tile_dimension='tile_id', file_class=NetCdf4File, file_class_kwargs=None): """ Constructor of `NetCdfReader`. Parameters ---------- file_register : pd.Dataframe Data frame managing a stack/list of files containing the following columns: - 'filepath' : str Full file path to a geospatial file. - 'layer_id' : object Specifies an ID to which layer a file belongs to, e.g. a layer counter or a timestamp. Must correspond to `stack_dimension`. - 'tile_id' : str Tile name or ID to which tile a file belongs to. mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the 'tile_id' column. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. stack_coords : list, optional Additional columns of `file_register` to use as coordinates. Defaults to None, i.e. only coordinates along `stack_dimension` are used. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. file_class : class, optional Class to use for opening files. Defaults to `NetCdf4File`. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for calling `file_class`. Defaults to none. """ super().__init__(file_register, mosaic, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, stack_coords=stack_coords, tile_dimension=tile_dimension) file_class_kwargs = file_class_kwargs or dict() ref_filepath = self._file_register['filepath'].iloc[0] with file_class(ref_filepath, 'r', **file_class_kwargs) as nc_file: self._ref_data_variables = nc_file.data_variables self._ref_nodatavals = nc_file.nodatavals self._ref_scale_factors = nc_file.scale_factors self._ref_offsets = nc_file.offsets self._ref_dtypes = nc_file.dtypes self._ref_metadata = nc_file.metadata space_dims = nc_file.space_dims stack_dims = nc_file.stack_dims self._ref_space_dims = list(space_dims.keys()) if isinstance(space_dims, dict) else space_dims self._ref_stack_dims = list(stack_dims.keys()) if isinstance(stack_dims, dict) else stack_dims
[docs] @classmethod def from_filepaths(cls, filepaths, mosaic_class=MosaicGeometry, mosaic_kwargs=None, tile_kwargs=None, stack_dimension='layer_id', tile_dimension='tile_id', file_class=NetCdf4File, file_class_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> "NetCdfReader": """ Creates a `NetCdfReader` instance as one stack of NetCDF files. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str List of full system paths to a NetCDF file. mosaic_class : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry, optional Mosaic class used to manage the spatial properties of the file stack. If None, the most generic mosaic will be used by default. The initialised mosaic will only contain one tile. mosaic_kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for initialising `mosaic_class`. tile_kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for initialising a tile class associated with `mosaic_class`. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. file_class : class, optional Class to use for opening files. Defaults to `NetCdf4File`. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for calling `file_class`. Defaults to none. kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for the `NetCdfReader` constructor. Returns ------- NetCdfReader """ mosaic_kwargs = mosaic_kwargs or dict() tile_kwargs = tile_kwargs or dict() file_class_kwargs = file_class_kwargs or dict() n_filepaths = len(filepaths) file_register_dict = dict() file_register_dict['filepath'] = filepaths file_register_dict[tile_dimension] = ['0'] * n_filepaths file_register_dict[stack_dimension] = list(range(n_filepaths)) file_register = pd.DataFrame(file_register_dict) ref_filepath = filepaths[0] with file_class(ref_filepath, 'r', **file_class_kwargs) as nc_file: sref_wkt = nc_file.sref_wkt geotrans = nc_file.geotrans n_rows, n_cols = nc_file.raster_shape tile_class = mosaic_class.get_tile_class() tile = tile_class(n_rows, n_cols, sref=SpatialRef(sref_wkt), geotrans=geotrans, name='0', **tile_kwargs) mosaic_geom = mosaic_class.from_tile_list([tile], check_consistency=False, **mosaic_kwargs) return cls(file_register, mosaic_geom, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mosaic_filepaths(cls, filepaths, mosaic_class=MosaicGeometry, mosaic_kwargs=None, stack_dimension='layer_id', tile_dimension='tile_id', file_class=NetCdf4File, file_class_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> "NetCdfReader": """ Creates a `NetCdfReader` instance as multiple stacks of NetCDF files. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str List of full system paths to a NetCDF file. mosaic_class : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry, optional Mosaic class used to manage the spatial properties of the file stacks. If None, the most generic mosaic will be used by default. mosaic_kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for initialising `mosaic_class`. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. file_class : class, optional Class to use for opening files. Defaults to `NetCdf4File`. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for calling `file_class`. Defaults to none. kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for the `NetCdfReader` constructor. Returns ------- NetCdfReader """ mosaic_kwargs = mosaic_kwargs or dict() file_class_kwargs = file_class_kwargs or dict() file_register_dict = dict() file_register_dict['filepath'] = filepaths tile_class = mosaic_class.get_tile_class() tiles, tile_ids, layer_ids = RasterDataReader._create_tile_and_layer_info_from_files(filepaths, tile_class, file_class, file_class_kwargs) file_register_dict[tile_dimension] = tile_ids file_register_dict[stack_dimension] = layer_ids file_register = pd.DataFrame(file_register_dict) mosaic_geom = mosaic_class.from_tile_list(tiles, check_consistency=False, **mosaic_kwargs) return cls(file_register, mosaic_geom, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_nan(self): """ Converts no data values given as an attribute '_FillValue' or keyword `nodatavals` to np.nan. """ super().apply_nan(nodatavals=self._ref_nodatavals)
[docs] def read(self, data_variables=None, engine='netcdf4', agg_dim='time', parallel=True, compute=True, auto_decode=False, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> "NetCdfReader": """ Reads NetCdf data from disk and assigns it to the class. Parameters ---------- data_variables : list, optional Data variables to read. Default is to read all available data variables. engine : str, optional Engine used in the background to read NetCDF data. The following options are available: - 'netcdf4' : Uses the netCDF4 library to create an `MFDataset` object. - 'xarray' : Uses xarray's `open_mfdataset` function. agg_dim : str, optional Dimension to aggregate on (defaults to 'layer_id'). parallel : bool, optional Flag to activate parallelisation or not when using 'xarray' as an engine. Defaults to True. compute : bool, optional True if values from a dask array should be loaded into RAM (default). auto_decode : bool, optional True if NetCDF data should be decoded according to the information available in its metadata. Defaults to False. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. """ data_variables = to_list(data_variables) dst_tile = Tile.from_extent(self._mosaic.outer_extent, sref=self._mosaic.sref, x_pixel_size=self._mosaic.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=self._mosaic.y_pixel_size, name='0') if engine == 'netcdf4': data = self.__read_netcdf4(dst_tile, data_variables=data_variables, agg_dim=agg_dim, auto_decode=auto_decode, decoder=decoder, decoder_kwargs=decoder_kwargs, **kwargs) elif engine == 'xarray': data = self.__read_xarray(dst_tile, data_variables=data_variables, parallel=parallel, agg_dim=agg_dim, compute=compute, auto_decode=auto_decode, decoder=decoder, decoder_kwargs=decoder_kwargs, **kwargs) else: err_msg = f"Engine '{engine}' is not supported!" raise ValueError(err_msg) self._data_geom = dst_tile self._data = data self._add_grid_mapping() return self
def __load_data_per_data_variable(self, ds, data_variable, raster_access, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> xr.DataArray: """ Selects and slices an xarray data array from an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to subset. data_variable : str Data variable to select. raster_access : RasterAccess Helper instance to slice the data array. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- dar : xr.DataArray Decoded data subset. """ dar = ds[data_variable][..., raster_access.src_row_slice, raster_access.src_col_slice] if decoder: dar = decoder(dar, nodataval=self._ref_nodatavals[data_variable], data_variable=data_variable, scale_factor=self._ref_scale_factors[data_variable], offset=self._ref_offsets[data_variable], dtype=self._ref_dtypes[data_variable], **decoder_kwargs) return dar def __read_netcdf4(self, dst_tile, data_variables=None, agg_dim='layer_id', auto_decode=False, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: """ Reads NetCDF data using the `MFDataset` class of the netCDF4 library. Parameters ---------- dst_tile : geospade.raster.Tile Target tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to read from. data_variables : list, optional Data variables to read. Default is to read all available data variables. agg_dim : str, optional Dimension to aggregate on (defaults to 'layer_id'). auto_decode : bool, optional True if NetCDF data should be decoded according to the information available in its metadata. Defaults to False. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- xr.Dataset : Read NetCDF variables represented as an xarray.Dataset instance. """ data_variables = data_variables or self._ref_data_variables decoder_kwargs = decoder_kwargs or dict() data = [self.__load_data_per_tile_netcdf4(src_tile, dst_tile, data_variables, agg_dim, auto_decode, decoder, decoder_kwargs) for src_tile in self._mosaic.tiles] return xr.combine_by_coords(data) def __post_proc_data_netcdf4(self, ar, dw_tile, dm_tile, nodataval=0) -> xr.DataArray: """ Masks the given array. Parameters ---------- ar : np.ndarray or xr.DataArray Array to mask. dw_tile : Tile Tile representing the data window to read from. dm_tile : Tile Tile to extract a data mask from. nodataval : float, optional No data value being assigned where the mask values evaluate to false (defaults to 0). Returns ------- ar : np.ndarray or xr.DataArray Masked array. """ if dm_tile.mask is not None: raster_access = RasterAccess(dm_tile, dw_tile, src_root_raster_geom=dw_tile) tile_mask = np.zeros(dw_tile.shape) tile_mask[raster_access.src_row_slice, raster_access.src_col_slice] = dm_tile.mask ar[:, ~tile_mask.astype(bool)] = nodataval return ar def __load_data_per_data_variable_netcdf4(self, ds, data_variable, dw_tile, dm_tile, raster_access, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> xr.DataArray: """ Selects, mask and slices a netCDF4 data variable. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to subset. data_variable : str Data variable to select. dw_tile : Tile Tile representing the data window to read from. dm_tile : Tile Tile to extract a data mask from. raster_access : RasterAccess Helper instance to slice the data array. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- dar : xr.DataArray Decoded data subset. """ dar = self.__load_data_per_data_variable(ds, data_variable, raster_access, decoder, decoder_kwargs) dar = self.__post_proc_data_netcdf4(dar, dw_tile, dm_tile, self._ref_nodatavals[data_variable]) return dar def __load_data_per_tile_netcdf4(self, src_tile, dst_tile, data_variables, agg_dim='layer_id', auto_decode=False, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> xr.Dataset: """ Creates an xarray dataset per tile for a given set of data variables from a multi-file netCDF4 dataset. Parameters ---------- src_tile : Tile Source tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to read from. dst_tile : Tile Target tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to write to. data_variables : list Data variables to read. agg_dim : str, optional Dimension to aggregate on (defaults to 'layer_id'). auto_decode : bool, optional True if NetCDF data should be decoded according to the information available in its metadata. Defaults to False. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- xr.Dataset: Dataset corresponding to the spatial and variable selection. """ tile_id = # create new tile representing the part to actually read dw_tile = src_tile.parent_root.slice_by_geom(dst_tile) raster_access = RasterAccess(dw_tile, dst_tile) file_register = self.file_register.loc[self.file_register[self._tile_dim] == tile_id] filepaths = list(file_register['filepath']) nc_ds = MFDataset(filepaths, aggdim=agg_dim) nc_ds.set_auto_maskandscale(auto_decode) tile_data = {data_variable: self.__load_data_per_data_variable_netcdf4(nc_ds, data_variable, dw_tile, src_tile, raster_access, decoder, decoder_kwargs) for data_variable in data_variables} metadata = {data_variable: NetCdf4File.get_metadata(nc_ds[data_variable]) for data_variable in data_variables} times = netCDF4.num2date(nc_ds['time'][:], # TODO: generalise stack dimension units=getattr(nc_ds['time'], 'units', None), calendar=getattr(nc_ds['time'], 'calendar', 'standard'), only_use_cftime_datetimes=False, only_use_python_datetimes=True) return self._to_xarray(tile_data, dw_tile, times, metadata) def __read_xarray(self, dst_tile, data_variables=None, parallel=True, agg_dim='layer_id', compute=True, auto_decode=False, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: """ Reads NetCDF data using the `open_mfdataset` function of the xarray library. Parameters ---------- dst_tile : geospade.raster.Tile Target tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to read from. data_variables : list, optional Data variables to read. Default is to read all available data variables. parallel : bool, optional Flag to activate parallelisation or not when using 'xarray' as an engine. Defaults to True. agg_dim : str, optional Dimension to aggregate on (defaults to 'layer_id'). compute : bool, optional True if values from a dask array should be loaded into RAM (default). auto_decode : bool, optional True if NetCDF data should be decoded according to the information available in its metadata. Defaults to False. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- xr.Dataset : Read NetCDF variables represented as an xarray.Dataset instance. """ data_variables = data_variables or self._ref_data_variables decoder_kwargs = decoder_kwargs or dict() data = [self.__load_data_per_tile_xarray(src_tile, dst_tile, data_variables, parallel, agg_dim, compute, auto_decode, decoder, decoder_kwargs, **kwargs) for src_tile in self._mosaic.tiles] return xr.combine_by_coords(data) def __post_proc_data_xarray(self, dar, dw_tile, dm_tile, nodataval=0, compute=True) -> xr.DataArray: """ Masks the given array. Parameters ---------- dar : xr.DataArray Array to mask. dw_tile : Tile Tile representing the data window to read from. dm_tile : Tile Tile to extract a data mask from. nodataval : float, optional No data value being assigned where the mask values evaluate to false (defaults to 0). compute : bool, optional True if values from a dask array should be loaded into RAM (default). Returns ------- ar : xr.DataArray Masked array. """ if compute: dar = dar.compute() if dm_tile.mask is not None: raster_access = RasterAccess(dm_tile, dw_tile, src_root_raster_geom=dw_tile) tile_mask = np.zeros(dw_tile.shape) tile_mask[raster_access.src_row_slice, raster_access.src_col_slice] = dm_tile.mask dar = dar.where(tile_mask.astype(bool), nodataval) return dar def __load_data_per_data_variable_xarray(self, ds, data_variable, dw_tile, dm_tile, raster_access, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None, compute=True) -> xr.DataArray: """ Selects, mask and slices an xarray data array. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to subset. data_variable : str Data variable to select. dw_tile : Tile Tile representing the data window to read from. dm_tile : Tile Tile to extract a data mask from. raster_access : RasterAccess Helper instance to slice the data array. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. compute : bool, optional True if values from a dask array should be loaded into RAM (default). Returns ------- dar : xr.DataArray Decoded data subset. """ dar = self.__load_data_per_data_variable(ds, data_variable, raster_access, decoder, decoder_kwargs) dar = self.__post_proc_data_xarray(dar, dw_tile, dm_tile, self._ref_nodatavals[data_variable], compute) return dar def __load_data_per_tile_xarray(self, src_tile, dst_tile, data_variables, parallel=True, agg_dim='layer_id', compute=True, auto_decode=False, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: """ Creates an xarray dataset per tile for a given set of data variables. Parameters ---------- src_tile : Tile Source tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to read from. dst_tile : Tile Target tile representing the spatial extent of the data window to write to. data_variables : list Data variables to read. parallel : bool, optional Flag to activate parallelisation or not when using 'xarray' as an engine. Defaults to True. agg_dim : str, optional Dimension to aggregate on (defaults to 'layer_id'). compute : bool, optional True if values from a dask array should be loaded into RAM (default). auto_decode : bool, optional True if NetCDF data should be decoded according to the information available in its metadata. Defaults to False. decoder : callable, optional Function allowing to decode NetCDF data read from disk. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- xr.Dataset: Dataset corresponding to the spatial and variable selection. """ tile_id = # create new tile representing the part to actually read dw_tile = src_tile.parent_root.slice_by_geom(dst_tile) raster_access = RasterAccess(dw_tile, dst_tile) file_register = self.file_register.loc[self.file_register[self._tile_dim] == tile_id] filepaths = file_register['filepath'] xr_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(filepaths, concat_dim=agg_dim, combine="nested", data_vars='minimal', coords='minimal', compat='override', parallel=parallel, mask_and_scale=auto_decode, **kwargs) data_tile = {data_variable: self.__load_data_per_data_variable_xarray(xr_ds, data_variable, dw_tile, src_tile, raster_access, decoder, decoder_kwargs, compute) for data_variable in data_variables} ref_coords = data_tile[data_variables[0]].coords return xr.Dataset(data_tile, coords=ref_coords, attrs=xr_ds.attrs) def _to_xarray(self, data, tile, times, metadata) -> xr.Dataset: """ Converts NetCDF data being available as a NumPy array to an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary mapping data variables with NetCDF variable data being available as a NumPy array. tile : geospade.raster.Tile Tile representing the spatial extent of `data`. times : list List of datetime instances representing the temporal coordinates of the image stack. metadata : dict Metadata attributes for each data variable. Returns ------- xrds : xr.Dataset """ space_dim_names = self._ref_space_dims stack_dim_names = self._ref_stack_dims all_dim_names = stack_dim_names + space_dim_names coord_dict = dict() coord_dict[stack_dim_names[0]] = times coord_dict[space_dim_names[0]] = tile.y_coords coord_dict[space_dim_names[1]] = tile.x_coords data_variables = list(data.keys()) xar_dict = {data_variable: xr.DataArray(data[data_variable], coords=coord_dict, dims=all_dim_names, attrs=metadata[data_variable]) for data_variable in data_variables} xrds = xr.Dataset(data_vars=xar_dict) return xrds
[docs]class NetCdfWriter(RasterDataWriter): """ Allows to write and manage a stack of NetCDF files. """ def __init__(self, mosaic, file_register=None, data=None, stack_dimension='layer_id', stack_coords=None, tile_dimension='tile_id', dirpath=None, fn_pattern='{layer_id}.tif', fn_formatter=None): """ Constructor of `NetCdfWriter`. Parameters ---------- mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the 'tile_id' column. file_register : pd.Dataframe, optional Data frame managing a stack/list of files containing the following columns: - 'filepath' : str Full file path to a geospatial file. - 'layer_id' : object Specifies an ID to which layer a file belongs to, e.g. a layer counter or a timestamp. Must correspond to `stack_dimension`. - 'tile_id' : str Tile name or ID to which tile a file belongs to. If it is None, then the constructor tries to create a file from other keyword arguments, i.e. `data`, `dirpath`, `fn_pattern`, and `fn_formatter`. data : xr.Dataset, optional Raster data stored in memory. It must match the spatial sampling and CRS of the mosaic, but not its spatial extent or tiling. Moreover, the dimension of the mosaic along the first dimension (stack/file dimension), must match the entries/filepaths in `file_register`. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. stack_coords : list, optional Additional columns of `file_register` to use as coordinates. Defaults to None, i.e. only coordinates along `stack_dimension` are used. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. dirpath : str, optional Directory path to the folder where the NetCDF files should be written to. Defaults to None, i.e. the current working directory is used. fn_pattern : str, optional Pattern for the filename of the new NetCDF files. To fill in specific parts of the new file name with information from the file register, you can specify the respective file register column names in curly brackets and add them to the pattern string as desired. Defaults to '{layer_id}.tif'. fn_formatter : dict, optional Dictionary mapping file register column names with functions allowing to encode their values as strings. """ super().__init__(mosaic, file_register=file_register, data=data, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, stack_coords=stack_coords, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, dirpath=dirpath, fn_pattern=fn_pattern, fn_formatter=fn_formatter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(self, data, filepath, mosaic=None, tile_dimension='tile_id', **kwargs) -> "NetCdfWriter": """ Creates `NetCdfWriter` instance from an xarray.Dataset instance and a target file path, i.e. this function should help to write/export the whole image stack to one file. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset Dataset to write to disk. filepath : str Full system path to NetCDF file to write to. mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry, optional Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given file. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the 'tile_id' column. If it is None, a one-tile mosaic will be created from the given mosaic. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for initialising the `NetCdfWriter` class. Returns ------- NetCdfWriter """ file_register_dict = dict() file_register_dict[tile_dimension] = ['0'] file_register_dict['filepath'] = [filepath] file_register = pd.DataFrame(file_register_dict) return super().from_xarray(data, file_register, mosaic=mosaic, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, **kwargs)
def __get_encoding_info_from_data(self, data, data_variables) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict, dict]: """ Extracts encoding information from an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset Data to extract encoding info from. data_variables : list of str List of data variable names. Returns ------- nodatavals : dict Band number mapped to no data value (defaults to 0). scale_factors : dict Band number mapped to scale factor (defaults to 1). offsets : dict Band number mapped to offset (defaults to 0). dtypes : dict Band number mapped to data type. """ nodatavals = dict() scale_factors = dict() offsets = dict() dtypes = dict() for data_variable in data_variables: dtypes[data_variable] = data[data_variable] nodatavals[data_variable] = data[data_variable].attrs.get('_FillValue', 0) scale_factors[data_variable] = data[data_variable].attrs.get('scale_factor', 1) offsets[data_variable] = data[data_variable].attrs.get('add_offset', 0) return nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes
[docs] def write(self, data, use_mosaic=False, data_variables=None, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, unlimited_dims=None, **kwargs): """ Writes a certain chunk of NetCDF data to disk. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset Data chunk to be written to disk or being appended to existing mosaic. use_mosaic : bool, optional True if data should be written according to the mosaic. False if data composes a new tile and should not be tiled (default). data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables to write. Defaults to None, i.e. all data variables are written. encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode a xarray dataset before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. overwrite : bool, optional True if the NetCDF file(s) should be overwritten, False if not (default). unlimited_dims : list of str or str, optional List of dimension names specifying the dimensions to be stored as unlimited. kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for creating a `NetCdf4File` instance. """ data_geom = self.raster_geom_from_data(data, sref=self.mosaic.sref) unlimited_dims = to_list(unlimited_dims) data_filt = data if data_variables is None else data[data_variables] data_variables = list(data_filt.data_vars) all_dims = list(data_filt.dims) space_dims = all_dims[-2:] stack_dim_names = all_dims[:-2] nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes = self.__get_encoding_info_from_data(data, data_variables) for filepath, file_group in self._file_register.groupby('filepath'): tile_id = file_group.iloc[0].get(self._tile_dim, '0') if use_mosaic: src_tile = self._mosaic[tile_id] if not src_tile.intersects(data_geom): continue dst_tile = data_geom.slice_by_geom(src_tile, inplace=False) data_write = data_filt.sel(**{space_dims[0]: np.around(dst_tile.y_coords, decimals=DECIMALS), space_dims[1]: np.around(dst_tile.x_coords, decimals=DECIMALS)}) else: dst_tile = data_geom src_tile = data_geom data_write = data_filt file_coords = list(file_group[self._file_dim]) data_write = data_write.sel(**{self._file_dim: file_coords}) data_write = data_write[data_variables] stack_dims = {stack_dim_name: None if stack_dim_name in unlimited_dims else len(data_write[stack_dim_name]) for stack_dim_name in stack_dim_names} file_id = file_group.iloc[0].get('file_id', None) if file_id is None: gt_driver = NetCdf4File(filepath, mode='w', geotrans=src_tile.geotrans, sref_wkt=src_tile.sref.wkt, stack_dims=stack_dims, space_dims={space_dims[0]: src_tile.n_rows, space_dims[1]: src_tile.n_cols}, data_variables=data_variables, dtypes=dtypes, scale_factors=scale_factors, offsets=offsets, nodatavals=nodatavals, attrs={'time': {'units': 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00'}}, # TODO: make this more flexible (this needs to be defined from outside) metadata=data_write.attrs, **kwargs) file_id = len(list(self._files.keys())) + 1 self._files[file_id] = gt_driver self._file_register.loc[file_group.index, 'file_id'] = file_id nc_file = self._files[file_id] raster_access = RasterAccess(dst_tile, src_tile, src_root_raster_geom=data_geom) nc_file.write(data_write, row=raster_access.dst_window[0], col=raster_access.dst_window[1], encoder=encoder, encoder_kwargs=encoder_kwargs)
[docs] def export(self, use_mosaic=False, data_variables=None, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, unlimited_dims=None, **kwargs): """ Writes all internally stored data to disk. Parameters ---------- use_mosaic : bool, optional True if data should be written according to the mosaic. False if data composes a new tile and should not be tiled (default). data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables to write. Defaults to None, i.e. all data variables are written. encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode an xarray dataset before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. overwrite : bool, optional True if the NetCDF file(s) should be overwritten, False if not (default). unlimited_dims : list of str or str, optional List of dimension names specifying the dimensions to be stored as unlimited. kwargs : dict, optional Key-word arguments for creating a `NetCdf4File` instance. """ self.write(self.data_view, use_mosaic, data_variables, encoder, encoder_kwargs, overwrite, unlimited_dims, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass