Source code for veranda.raster.native.geotiff

""" Manages I/O for a GeoTIFF file. """

import os
import struct
from zipfile import ZipFile
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from typing import List
from collections import defaultdict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from veranda.utils import to_list
from veranda.raster.gdalport import NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE, GDAL_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE

[docs]class GeoTiffFile: """ GDAL wrapper for reading or writing a GeoTIFF file. """ def __init__(self, filepath, mode='r', geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), sref_wkt=None, raster_shape=None, compression='LZW', metadata=None, is_bigtiff=False, is_tiled=True, blocksize=(512, 512), n_bands=1, dtypes='uint8', scale_factors=1, offsets=0, nodatavals=255, color_tbls=None, color_intprs=None, overwrite=False, auto_decode=False): """ Constructor of `GeoTiffFile`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full file path to a GeoTIFF file. mode : str, optional File opening mode : - 'r' : read (default) - 'w' : write geotrans : 6-tuple or list, optional Geo-transformation parameters with the following entries: 0: Top-left X coordinate 1: W-E pixel sampling 2: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 3: Top-left Y coordinate 4: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 5: N-S pixel sampling (negative value if North-up) Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1). sref_wkt : str, optional Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information in WKT format. Defaults to None. raster_shape : 2-tuple, optional 2D raster_shape of the raster. Defaults to None, i.e. (1, 1). compression : str, optional Set the compression to use. Defaults to 'LZW'. metadata : dict, optional Dictionary representing the metadata of the GeoTIFF file. Defaults to None. is_bigtiff : bool, optional True if the GeoTIFF file should be managed as a 'BIGTIFF' (required if the file will be above 4 GB). Defaults to False. is_tiled : bool, optional True if the data should be tiled (default). False if the data should be stripped. blocksize : 2-tuple, optional Blocksize of the data blocks in the GeoTIFF file. Defaults to (512, 512). n_bands : int, optional Number of bands in the GeoTIFF file (relevant when creating a new GeoTIFF file). Defaults to 1. dtypes : dict or str, optional Data types used for de- or encoding (NumPy-style). Defaults to 'uint8'. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective data type. scale_factors : dict or number, optional Scale factor used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 1. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective scale factor. offsets : dict or number, optional Offset used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 0. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective offset. nodatavals : dict or int, optional No data value used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 255. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective no data value. color_tbls : dict or gdal.ColorTable, optional GDAL color tables. Defaults to None. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective color table. color_intprs : dict or gdal.ColorInterp, optional GDAL color interpretation value. Defaults to None. It can either be one value (will be used for all bands), or a dictionary mapping the band number with the respective color interpretation value. overwrite : bool, optional Flag if the file can be overwritten if it already exists (defaults to False). auto_decode : bool, optional True if data should be decoded according to the information available in its header. False if not (default). """ self.src = None self._driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') self.filepath = filepath self.mode = mode self.geotrans = geotrans self.sref_wkt = sref_wkt self.raster_shape = raster_shape self.compression = compression self.metadata = dict() if metadata is None else metadata self.is_bigtiff = is_bigtiff self.is_tiled = is_tiled self.blocksize = blocksize self.overwrite = overwrite self.auto_decode = auto_decode self.bands = list(range(1, n_bands + 1)) dtypes = self.__to_dict(dtypes) scale_factors = self.__to_dict(scale_factors) offsets = self.__to_dict(offsets) nodatavals = self.__to_dict(nodatavals) color_tbls = self.__to_dict(color_tbls) color_intprs = self.__to_dict(color_intprs) self.__set_coding_info_from_input(nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, color_tbls, color_intprs) if raster_shape is not None or self.mode == 'r': self._open() @property def n_bands(self) -> int: """ Number of bands. """ return len(self.bands)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_file_bigtiff(filepath) -> bool: """ Determines if the given GeoTIFF is a BigTIFF file or not. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full file path to a GeoTIFF file. Returns ------- bool : True if the given file is a BigTIFF, else False. """ if '.zip' in filepath: if filepath.startswith('/vsizip/'): filepath = filepath[len('/vsizip/'):] # removes gdal virtual file system prefix to open w ZipFile zip_filepath, inzip_filepath = filepath.split('.zip') with ZipFile(zip_filepath + '.zip') as zip: with[1:], 'r') as f: header = # tests reads bytes not str, no need covert to bytearray else: with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: header = byteorder = {b'II': '<', b'MM': '>', b'EP': '<'}[header[:2]] version = struct.unpack(byteorder + "H", header[2:4])[0] return version == 43
@property def scale_factors(self) -> List[float]: """ Scale factors of the different bands. """ return list(self._scale_factors.values()) @property def offsets(self) -> List[float]: """ Offsets of the different bands. """ return list(self._offsets.values()) @property def nodatavals(self) -> List[int]: """ No data values of the different bands. """ return list(self._nodatavals.values()) @property def color_interps(self) -> List[int]: """ Color interpretation values of the different bands. """ return list(self._color_intprs.values()) @property def color_tables(self) -> List[gdal.ColorTable]: """ Color tables of the different bands. """ return list(self._color_tbls.values()) @property def dtypes(self) -> List[str]: """ Data types in NumPy-style format. """ return [GDAL_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE[dtype] for dtype in self._dtypes.values()] def _open(self): """ Helper function supporting the different file modes, i.e. either opening an existing file or creating a new file source. """ if self.mode == 'r': if '.zip' in self.filepath: if self.filepath.startswith('/vsizip/'): self.filepath = self.filepath[len('/vsizip/'):] # removes gdal virtual file system prefix if its there zip_filepath, inzip_filepath = self.filepath.split('.zip') zip_filepath += '.zip' if not os.path.exists(zip_filepath): # checks zip file err_msg = f"File '{zip_filepath}' does not exist." raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) with ZipFile(zip_filepath) as zip: if inzip_filepath[1:] not in zip.namelist(): # checks file in zip err_msg = f"File '{self.filepath}' does not exist." raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) self.filepath = '/vsizip/' + self.filepath # adds the gdal vsi prefix elif not os.path.exists(self.filepath): err_msg = f"File '{self.filepath}' does not exist." raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) self.src = gdal.Open(self.filepath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) self.raster_shape = self.src.RasterYSize, self.src.RasterXSize self.geotrans = self.src.GetGeoTransform() self.sref_wkt = self.src.GetProjection() self.metadata = self.src.GetMetadata() self.blocksize = self.src.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize() # block seems to be band-independent, because no set function is available per band self.compression = self.src.GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE').get('COMPRESSION') self.is_bigtiff = self.is_file_bigtiff(self.filepath) self.is_tiled = self.blocksize[1] == 1 self.__set_coding_info_from_file() elif self.mode == 'w': if os.path.exists(self.filepath): if self.overwrite: os.remove(self.filepath) else: err_msg = f"File '{self.filepath}' exists." raise FileExistsError(err_msg) self.__create_driver() self.src.SetGeoTransform(self.geotrans) if self.sref_wkt is not None: self.src.SetProjection(self.sref_wkt) if self.metadata is not None: self.src.SetMetadata(self.metadata) self.__set_bands() else: err_msg = f"Mode '{self.mode}' not known." raise ValueError(err_msg) if self.src is None: err_msg = f"Open failed: {self.filepath}" raise IOError(err_msg)
[docs] def read(self, row=0, col=0, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, bands=None, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> dict: """ Read data from a GeoTIFF file. Parameters ---------- row : int, optional Row number/index. Defaults to 0. col : int, optional Column number/index. Defaults to 0. n_rows : int, optional Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. n_cols : int, optional Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. bands : int or tuple or list, optional Band numbers of the GeoTIFF file to read data from. Defaults to None, i.e. all available bands will be used. decoder : callable, optional Decoding function expecting a NumPy array as input. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary mapping band numbers to NumPy arrays read from disk. """ decoder_kwargs = decoder_kwargs or dict() n_rows = self.raster_shape[0] if n_rows is None else n_rows n_cols = self.raster_shape[1] if n_cols is None else n_cols bands = bands or self.bands bands = to_list(bands) data = {band: self._read_band(band, col, row, n_cols, n_rows, decoder, decoder_kwargs) for band in bands} return data
[docs] def write(self, data, row=0, col=0, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None): """ Writes a NumPy array to a GeoTIFF file. Parameters ---------- data : dict of np.array or np.array Dictionary mapping band numbers with a 2D NumPy array or 3D numpy array, where the first dimension must correspond to the number of bands. row : int, optional Offset row number/index (defaults to 0). col : int, optional Offset column number/index (defaults to 0). encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode a NumPy array before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. """ if self.mode != 'w': err_msg = "Wrong mode for writing a GeoTIFF file (use 'w')." raise IOError(err_msg) encoder_kwargs = encoder_kwargs or dict() if not isinstance(data, dict): data_write = dict() for i, band in enumerate(self.bands): data_write[band] = data[i, ...] else: data_write = data data_bands = list(data_write.keys()) data_shape = data_write[data_bands[0]].shape if self.src is None: self.raster_shape = data_shape self._open() for band in data_bands: self._write_band(band, col, row, data_write[band], encoder, encoder_kwargs)
def _read_band(self, band, col, row, n_cols, n_rows, decoder, decoder_kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Reads and decodes data per band. Parameters ---------- band : int Band number. row : int Row number/index col : int Column number/index n_rows : int Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). n_cols : int Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). decoder : callable Decoding function expecting a NumPy array as input. decoder_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- band_data : np.ndarray Decoded band data. """ band = int(band) band_data = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(col, row, n_cols, n_rows) scale_factor = self._scale_factors[band] nodataval = self._nodatavals[band] offset = self._offsets[band] if self.auto_decode: band_data = band_data.astype(float) band_data[band_data == nodataval] = np.nan band_data = band_data * scale_factor + offset else: if decoder is not None: dtype = GDAL_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE(self._dtypes[band]) band_data = decoder(band_data, nodataval=nodataval, band=band, scale_factor=scale_factor, offset=offset, dtype=dtype, **decoder_kwargs) return band_data def _write_band(self, band, col, row, data, encoder, encoder_kwargs): """ Writes and encodes data per band. Parameters ---------- band : int Band number. col : int Offset column number/index. row : int Offset row number/index. data : np.ndarray 2D NumPy array. encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode a NumPy array before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. """ nodataval = self._nodatavals[band] scale_factor = self._scale_factors[band] offset = self._offsets[band] if encoder is not None: dtype = GDAL_TO_NUMPY_DTYPE(self._dtypes[band]) self.src.GetRasterBand(band).WriteArray(encoder(data, band=band, nodataval=nodataval, scale_factor=scale_factor, offset=offset, dtype=dtype, **encoder_kwargs), xoff=col, yoff=row) else: self.src.GetRasterBand(band).WriteArray(data, xoff=col, yoff=row) def __set_coding_info_from_input(self, nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, color_tbls, color_intprs): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with externally provided arguments. Parameters ---------- nodatavals : dict Maps the band number with the respective no data value used for de- or encoding. scale_factors : dict Maps the band number with the respective scale factor used for de- or encoding. offsets : dict Maps the band number with the respective offset used for de- or encoding. dtypes : dict Maps the band number with the respective data type used for de- or encoding (NumPy-style). color_tbls : dict Maps the band number with the respective GDAL color table (`gdal.ColorTable`). color_intprs : dict or gdal.ColorInterp, optional Maps the band number with the respective GDAL color interpretation value (`gdal.ColorInterp`). """ self._scale_factors = dict() self._offsets = dict() self._nodatavals = dict() self._color_tbls = dict() self._color_intprs = dict() self._dtypes = dict() for band in self.bands: self._dtypes[band] = NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE[dtypes.get(band, 'uint8')] self._scale_factors[band] = scale_factors.get(band, 1) self._offsets[band] = offsets.get(band, 0) self._nodatavals[band] = nodatavals.get(band, 255) self._color_tbls[band] = color_tbls.get(band, None) self._color_intprs[band] = color_intprs.get(band, None) def __set_coding_info_from_file(self): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with coding information retrieved from a GDAL dataset. """ self.bands = [] self._scale_factors = dict() self._offsets = dict() self._nodatavals = dict() self._color_tbls = dict() self._color_intprs = dict() self._dtypes = dict() for band in range(1, self.src.RasterCount + 1): self.bands.append(band) scale_factor = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).GetScale() offset = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).GetOffset() self._scale_factors[band] = scale_factor or 1 self._offsets[band] = offset or 0 self._nodatavals[band] = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).GetNoDataValue() self._color_tbls[band] = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).GetColorTable() self._color_intprs[band] = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).GetColorInterpretation() self._dtypes[band] = self.src.GetRasterBand(band).DataType def __create_driver(self): """ Creates a new GDAL dataset/driver. """ gdal_opt = dict() gdal_opt['COMPRESS'] = self.compression gdal_opt['TILED'] = 'YES' if self.is_tiled else 'NO' gdal_opt['BLOCKXSIZE'] = str(self.blocksize[0]) gdal_opt['BLOCKYSIZE'] = str(self.blocksize[1]) gdal_opt['BIGTIFF'] = 'YES' if self.is_bigtiff else 'NO' gdal_opt = ['='.join((k, v)) for k, v in gdal_opt.items()] self.src = self._driver.Create(self.filepath, self.raster_shape[1], self.raster_shape[0], self.n_bands, NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE[self.dtypes[0]], options=gdal_opt) def __set_bands(self): """ Sets band attributes, i.e. default/fill value, no data value, scale factor, and offset. """ for band in self.bands: self.src.GetRasterBand(band).Fill(int(self._nodatavals[band])) self.src.GetRasterBand(band).SetNoDataValue(float(self._nodatavals[band])) self.src.GetRasterBand(band).SetScale(self._scale_factors[band]) self.src.GetRasterBand(band).SetOffset(self._offsets[band]) def __to_dict(self, arg) -> dict: """ Assigns non-iterable object to a dictionary with band numbers as keys. If `arg` is already a dictionary the same object is returned. Parameters ---------- arg : non-iterable or dict Non-iterable, which should be converted to a dict. Returns ------- arg_dict : dict Dictionary mapping band numbers with the value of `arg`. """ return {band: arg for band in self.bands} if not isinstance(arg, dict) else arg
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush data on disk. """ if self.src is not None: self.src.FlushCache()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the dataset. """ self.src = None
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close()
[docs]def create_vrt_file(filepaths, vrt_filepath, shape, sref_wkt, geotrans, bands=1): """ Creates a VRT file stack from a list of file paths. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str Full system path to the files to stack. vrt_filepath : str Full system path to the VRT file to create. shape : 2-tuple Shape (rows, columns) of the raster stack. sref_wkt : str Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information in WKT format. geotrans : 6-tuple or list, optional Geo-transformation parameters with the following entries: 0: Top-left X coordinate 1: W-E pixel sampling 2: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 3: Top-left Y coordinate 4: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 5: N-S pixel sampling (negative value if North-up) bands : tuple or list or int, optional Band number(s). Defaults to 1. """ n_filepaths = len(filepaths) bands = to_list(bands) n_bands = len(bands) n_rows, n_cols = shape ref_filepath = filepaths[0] band_attr_dict = defaultdict(list) with GeoTiffFile(ref_filepath, 'r') as gt_file: for band in bands: band_attr_dict = _read_band_attributes(gt_file, band, band_attr_dict) attrib = {"rasterXSize": str(n_cols), "rasterYSize": str(n_rows)} vrt_root = ET.Element("VRTDataset", attrib=attrib) geot_elem = ET.SubElement(vrt_root, "GeoTransform") geot_elem.text = ",".join(map(str, geotrans)) geot_elem = ET.SubElement(vrt_root, "SRS") geot_elem.text = sref_wkt entry_idx = 1 for f_idx in range(n_filepaths): filepath = filepaths[f_idx] for band_idx in range(n_bands): _fill_vrt_file_per_band(vrt_root, filepath, bands, band_idx, entry_idx, n_cols, n_rows, band_attr_dict) entry_idx += 1 tree = ET.ElementTree(vrt_root) tree.write(vrt_filepath, encoding="UTF-8")
def _read_band_attributes(gt_file, band, attr_dict) -> dict: """ Updates a GeoTIFF attribute dictionary for a specific band with information on no data value, scale factor, offset, data type, and block size. Parameters ---------- gt_file : GeoTiffFile Pointer to an open GeoTIFF file. band : int Band number. attr_dict : Attributes dictionary to fill/update. Returns ------- attr_dict : dict Updated attributes dictionary. """ b_idx = list(gt_file.bands).index(band) attr_dict['nodataval'].append(gt_file.nodatavals[b_idx]) attr_dict['scale_factor'].append(gt_file.scale_factors[b_idx]) attr_dict['offset'].append(gt_file.offsets[b_idx]) attr_dict['dtype'].append(gdal.GetDataTypeName(NUMPY_TO_GDAL_DTYPE[gt_file.dtypes[b_idx]])) attr_dict['blocksize'].append(gt_file.blocksize) return attr_dict def _fill_vrt_file_per_band(et_root, filepath, bands, band_idx, entry_idx, n_cols, n_rows, band_attr_dict): """ Writes all band-relevant information to a new entry in the element tree representing the VRT file, in-place. Parameters ---------- et_root : ET.Element Root element of element tree/VRT file. filepath : str Full system file path to GeoTIFF file. bands : list of int Band numbers. band_idx : int Index for the current band. entry_idx : int Overall index keeping track of the number of entries in the VRT file. n_cols : int Number of columns of the GeoTIFF file. n_rows : int Number of rows of the GeoTIFF file. band_attr_dict : dict Dictionary storing coding information for a GeoTIFF band. """ band = bands[band_idx] attrib = {"dataType": band_attr_dict['dtype'][band_idx], "band": str(entry_idx)} band_elem = ET.SubElement(et_root, "VRTRasterBand", attrib=attrib) simsrc_elem = ET.SubElement(band_elem, "SimpleSource") attrib = {"relativetoVRT": "0"} file_elem = ET.SubElement(simsrc_elem, "SourceFilename", attrib=attrib) file_elem.text = filepath ET.SubElement(simsrc_elem, "SourceBand").text = str(band) attrib = {"RasterXSize": str(n_cols), "RasterYSize": str(n_rows), "DataType": band_attr_dict['dtype'][band_idx], "BlockXSize": str(band_attr_dict['blocksize'][band_idx][0]), "BlockYSize": str(band_attr_dict['blocksize'][band_idx][1])} file_elem = ET.SubElement(simsrc_elem, "SourceProperties", attrib=attrib) scale_factor = band_attr_dict['scale_factor'][band_idx] scale_factor = 1 if scale_factor is None else scale_factor ET.SubElement(band_elem, "NodataValue").text = str(band_attr_dict['nodataval'][band_idx]) ET.SubElement(band_elem, "Scale").text = str(scale_factor) ET.SubElement(band_elem, "Offset").text = str(band_attr_dict['offset'][band_idx]) if __name__ == '__main__': pass