Source code for veranda.raster.native.netcdf

""" Manages I/O for a NetCDF file. """

import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from affine import Affine
import rioxarray as rio
import xarray as xr
from osgeo import osr
from veranda.utils import to_list
from typing import Tuple

[docs]class NetCdf4File: """ Wrapper for reading and writing NetCDF files with netCDF4 as a backend. By default, it will create three predefined dimensions 'time', 'y', 'x', with time as an unlimited dimension and x, y are either defined by a pre-defined shape or by an in-memory dataset. The spatial dimensions are always limited, but can have an arbitrary name, whereas the dimension(s) which are used to stack spatial data are unlimited by default and can also have an arbitrary name. """ def __init__(self, filepath, mode="r", data_variables=None, stack_dims=None, space_dims=None, scale_factors=1, offsets=0, nodatavals=127, dtypes='int8', zlibs=True, complevels=2, chunksizes=None, var_chunk_caches=None, attrs=None, geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), sref_wkt=None, metadata=None, nc_format="NETCDF4_CLASSIC", overwrite=True, auto_decode=False): """ Constructor of `NetCdf4File`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full system path to a NetCDF file. mode : str, optional File opening mode. The following modes are available: 'r' : read data from an existing netCDF4.Dataset (default) 'w' : write data to a new netCDF4.Dataset 'a' : append data to an existing netCDF4.Dataset data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables stored in the NetCDF file. If `mode='w'`, then the data variable names are used to match the given encoding attributes, e.g. `scale_factors`, `offsets`, ... stack_dims : dict, optional Dictionary containing the dimension names used to stack the data over space as keys and their length as values. By default it is set to {'time': None}, i.e. an unlimited temporal dimension. space_dims : dict, optional Dictionary containing the spatial dimension names as keys and their length as values. By default it is set to {'y': None, 'x': None}. Note that the spatial dimensions will never be stored as unlimited - they are set as soon as data is read from or written to disk. scale_factors : dict or number, optional Scale factor used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 1. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective scale factor. offsets : dict or number, optional Offset used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 0. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective offset. nodatavals : dict or number, optional No data value used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 127. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective no data value. dtypes : dict or str, optional Data types used for de- or encoding (NumPy-style). Defaults to 'int8'. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective data type. zlibs : dict or bool, optional Flag if ZLIB compression should be applied or not. Defaults to True. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective flag value. complevels : dict or int, optional Compression levels used during de- or encoding. Defaults to 2. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective compression level. chunksizes : dict or tuple, optional Chunk sizes given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk sizes for each dimension. Defaults to None, i.e. no chunking is used. It can either be one value/3-tuple (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective chunk sizes. var_chunk_caches : dict or tuple, optional Chunk cache settings given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk cache settings size, nelems, preemption. Defaults to None, i.e. the default NetCDF4 settings are used. It can either be one value/3-tuple (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective chunk cache settings. attrs : dict, optional Data variable specific attributes. This can be an important parameter, when for instance setting the units of a data variable. Defaults to None. It can either be one dictionary (will be used for all data variables, so maybe the `metadata` parameter is more suitable), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective attributes. geotrans : 6-tuple or list, optional Geo-transformation parameters with the following entries: 0: Top-left X coordinate 1: W-E pixel sampling 2: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 3: Top-left Y coordinate 4: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 5: N-S pixel sampling (negative value if North-up) Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1). sref_wkt : str, optional Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information in WKT format. Defaults to None. metadata : dict, optional Global metadata attributes. Defaults to None. nc_format : str, optional NetCDF formats: - 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' (default) - 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', - 'NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET', - 'NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA'. overwrite : bool, optional Flag if the file can be overwritten if it already exists (defaults to False). auto_decode : bool, optional True if data should be decoded according to the information available in its header. False if not (default). """ self.src = None self.src_vars = {} self.filepath = filepath self.mode = mode self.data_variables = to_list(data_variables) self.sref_wkt = sref_wkt self.geotrans = geotrans self.overwrite = overwrite self.metadata = metadata or dict() self.auto_decode = auto_decode self.gm_name = None self.nc_format = nc_format self.stack_dims = stack_dims or {'time': None} self.space_dims = space_dims or {'y': None, 'x': None} if len(self.space_dims) != 2: err_msg = "The number of spatial dimensions must equal 2." raise ValueError(err_msg) self.attrs = attrs or dict() scale_factors = self.__to_dict(scale_factors) offsets = self.__to_dict(offsets) nodatavals = self.__to_dict(nodatavals) dtypes = self.__to_dict(dtypes) chunksizes = self.__to_dict(chunksizes) zlibs = self.__to_dict(zlibs) complevels = self.__to_dict(complevels) var_chunk_caches = self.__to_dict(var_chunk_caches) self.__set_coding_info_from_input(nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, zlibs, complevels, chunksizes, var_chunk_caches) if self.mode == 'r': self._open() elif self.mode == 'w' and None not in self.space_dims.values(): self._open() @property def all_variables(self) -> list: """ Returns all relevant (data, spatial and stack) variables of the NetCDF file. """ return self.data_variables + list(self.stack_dims.keys()) + list(self.space_dims.keys()) @property def raster_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Tuple specifying the shape of the raster (defined by the spatial dimensions). """ space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) return len(self.src_vars[space_dims[0]]), len(self.src_vars[space_dims[1]]) def _reset(self): """ Resets internal class variables with properties from an existing NetCDF dataset. """ all_dims = list(self.src.dimensions.keys()) space_dim_names = all_dims[-2:] stack_dim_names = all_dims[:-2] self.stack_dims = {stack_dim_name: self._get_stack_dim_size(stack_dim_name) for stack_dim_name in stack_dim_names} self.space_dims = {space_dim_name: self.src.dimensions[space_dim_name].size for space_dim_name in space_dim_names} dims = tuple(list(self.stack_dims.keys()) + list(self.space_dims.keys())) self.data_variables = [ for src_var in self.src_vars.values() if src_var.dimensions == dims] for variable in self.all_variables: self.__set_coding_per_var_from_src(variable) def _reset_from_ds(self, ds): """ Resets internal class variables with properties from an in-memory xarray dataset. """ if len(self.data_variables) == 0: self.data_variables = list(ds.data_vars.keys()) space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) self.space_dims[space_dims[0]] = self.space_dims[space_dims[0]] or len(ds[space_dims[0]]) self.space_dims[space_dims[1]] = self.space_dims[space_dims[1]] or len(ds[space_dims[1]]) stack_dims = {dim: len(ds[dim]) for dim in ds.dims if dim not in space_dims} stack_dims.update(self.stack_dims) self.stack_dims = stack_dims self.__set_coding_from_xarray(ds) def _open(self): """ Internal method for opening a NetCDF file. """ if self.mode == "r": self.__open_read() if self.mode == "a": self.__open_append() if self.mode in ["r", "a"]: self.__set_spatial_attrs() if self.mode == "w": self.__open_write() def __set_spatial_attrs(self): """ Sets/updates all spatial attributes, i.e. geo-transformation parameters, CRS information as a WKT string, and the grid mapping name. """ self.gm_name = self.__get_gm_name() if self.gm_name is not None: metadata = self.get_metadata(self.src_vars[self.gm_name]) geotrans = metadata.get('GeoTransform', None) if geotrans is not None: self.geotrans = tuple(map(float, geotrans.split(' '))) self.sref_wkt = metadata.get('spatial_ref', None) def __create_x_variable(self): """ Creates variable for storing coordinates in X direction. """ space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) space_dim2 = space_dims[1] n_cols = self.space_dims[space_dim2] self.src.createDimension(space_dim2, n_cols) attr = OrderedDict([ ('standard_name', 'projection_x_coordinate'), ('long_name', 'x coordinate of projection')]) x = self.src.createVariable(space_dim2, 'float64', (space_dim2,)) attr.update(self.attrs.get(space_dim2, dict([('units', 'm')]))) x.setncatts(attr) x[:] = self.geotrans[0] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_cols)) * self.geotrans[1] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_cols)) * self.geotrans[2] self.src_vars[space_dim2] = x def __create_y_variable(self): """ Creates variable for storing coordinates in Y direction. """ space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) space_dim1 = space_dims[0] n_rows = self.space_dims[space_dim1] self.src.createDimension(space_dim1, n_rows) attr = dict([('standard_name', 'projection_y_coordinate'), ('long_name', 'y coordinate of projection')]) y = self.src.createVariable(space_dim1, 'float64', (space_dim1,), ) attr.update(self.attrs.get(space_dim1, dict([('units', 'm')]))) y.setncatts(attr) y[:] = self.geotrans[3] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_rows)) * self.geotrans[4] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_rows)) * self.geotrans[5] self.src_vars[space_dim1] = y def __create_stack_variables(self): """ Creates variables for storing coordinates along the stack dimensions. """ stck_counter = 0 for stack_dim, n_vals in self.stack_dims.items(): self.src.createDimension(stack_dim, n_vals) chunksizes = self._chunksizes[stack_dim] chunksizes = (chunksizes[stck_counter],) if chunksizes is not None else chunksizes zlib = self._zlibs[stack_dim] complevel = self._complevels[stack_dim] self.src_vars[stack_dim] = self.src.createVariable(stack_dim, np.float64, (stack_dim,), chunksizes=chunksizes, zlib=zlib, complevel=complevel) self.src_vars[stack_dim].setncatts(self.attrs.get(stack_dim, dict())) stck_counter += 1 def __create_gm_variable(self): """ Creates variable for storing grid mapping information. """ gm_name = None sref = None if self.sref_wkt is not None: sref = osr.SpatialReference() sref.ImportFromWkt(self.sref_wkt) gm_name = sref.GetName() if gm_name is not None: self.gm_name = gm_name.lower() proj4_dict = {} for subset in sref.ExportToProj4().split(' '): x = subset.split('=') if len(x) == 2: proj4_dict[x[0]] = x[1] false_e = float(proj4_dict.get('+x_0', np.nan)) false_n = float(proj4_dict.get('+y_0', np.nan)) lat_po = float(proj4_dict.get('+lat_0', np.nan)) lon_po = float(proj4_dict.get('+lon_0', np.nan)) long_name = 'CRS definition' semi_major_axis = sref.GetSemiMajor() inverse_flattening = sref.GetInvFlattening() geotrans = "{:} {:} {:} {:} {:} {:}".format( self.geotrans[0], self.geotrans[1], self.geotrans[2], self.geotrans[3], self.geotrans[4], self.geotrans[5]) attr = OrderedDict([('grid_mapping_name', self.gm_name), ('false_easting', false_e), ('false_northing', false_n), ('latitude_of_projection_origin', lat_po), ('longitude_of_projection_origin', lon_po), ('long_name', long_name), ('semi_major_axis', semi_major_axis), ('inverse_flattening', inverse_flattening), ('spatial_ref', self.sref_wkt), ('GeoTransform', geotrans)]) else: self.gm_name = "proj_unknown" geotrans = "{:} {:} {:} {:} {:} {:}".format( self.geotrans[0], self.geotrans[1], self.geotrans[2], self.geotrans[3], self.geotrans[4], self.geotrans[5]) attr = OrderedDict([('grid_mapping_name', self.gm_name), ('GeoTransform', geotrans)]) crs = self.src.createVariable(self.gm_name, 'S1', ()) crs.setncatts(attr) def __create_data_variable(self, data_var_name): """ Creates data variable. Parameters ---------- data_var_name : str Data variable name. """ dims = tuple(list(self.stack_dims.keys()) + list(self.space_dims.keys())) zlib = self._zlibs.get(data_var_name) complevel = self._complevels[data_var_name] chunksizes = self._chunksizes[data_var_name] var_chunk_cache = self._var_chunk_caches[data_var_name] nodataval = self.nodatavals[data_var_name] dtype = self.dtypes[data_var_name] self.src_vars[data_var_name] = self.src.createVariable( data_var_name, dtype, dims, chunksizes=chunksizes, zlib=zlib, complevel=complevel, fill_value=nodataval) self.src_vars[data_var_name].set_auto_scale(self.auto_decode) if var_chunk_cache is not None: self.src_vars[data_var_name].set_var_chunk_cache(*var_chunk_cache[:3]) if self.gm_name is not None: self.src_vars[data_var_name].setncattr('grid_mapping', self.gm_name) def __open_read(self): """ Creates a new netCDF4 dataset source in read mode. """ self.src = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filepath, mode="r") self.src.set_auto_maskandscale(self.auto_decode) self.src_vars = self.src.variables self._reset() for var in self.data_variables: var_chunk_cache = self._var_chunk_caches[var] if var_chunk_cache is not None: self.src_vars[var].set_var_chunk_cache(*var_chunk_cache[:3]) def __open_append(self): """ Creates a new netCDF4 dataset source in append mode. """ self.src = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filepath, mode="a") self.src_vars = self.src.variables self._reset() def __open_write(self): """ Creates a new netCDF4 dataset source in write mode. """ self.src = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filepath, mode="w", clobber=self.overwrite, format=self.nc_format) self.__create_gm_variable() self.__create_stack_variables() self.__create_y_variable() self.__create_x_variable() for data_variable in self.data_variables: self.__create_data_variable(data_variable)
[docs] def read(self, row=0, col=0, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, data_variables=None, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> xr.Dataset: """ Read data from a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- row : int, optional Row number/index. Defaults to 0. col : int, optional Column number/index. Defaults to 0. n_rows : int, optional Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. n_cols : int, optional Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. data_variables : list, optional Data variables to read. Default is to read all available data variables. decoder : callable, optional Decoding function expecting a NumPy array as input. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- data : xarray.Dataset Data stored in the NetCDF file. """ decoder_kwargs = decoder_kwargs or dict() n_rows = self.raster_shape[0] if n_rows is None else n_rows n_cols = self.raster_shape[1] if n_cols is None else n_cols data_variables = data_variables or self.data_variables chunks = self._get_chunks(data_variables[0]) data_xr = xr.open_dataset(xr.backends.NetCDF4DataStore(self.src), mask_and_scale=self.auto_decode, chunks=chunks) data = None for data_variable in data_variables: data = self._read_data_variable(data_xr, data_variable, row, col, n_rows, n_cols, decoder, decoder_kwargs, data) return data
[docs] def write(self, ds, row=0, col=0, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None): """ Write an xarray dataset into a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to write to disk. row : int, optional Offset row number/index (defaults to 0). col : int, optional Offset column number/index (defaults to 0). encoder : callable, optional Encoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. """ encoder_kwargs = encoder_kwargs or dict() data_variables = list(ds.data_vars.keys()) self._reset_from_ds(ds) # open file and create dimensions and coordinates if self.src is None: self._open() stack_idxs = self._write_and_slice_stack_dim(ds) y_slice = self._write_and_slice_y_dim(ds, row) x_slice = self._write_and_slice_x_dim(ds, col) ds_idxs = stack_idxs + [y_slice] + [x_slice] for data_variable in data_variables: self._write_data_variable(ds, ds_idxs, data_variable, encoder, encoder_kwargs) self.src.setncatts(ds.attrs) self.src.setncatts(self.metadata)
def _read_data_variable(self, src, data_variable, row, col, n_rows, n_cols, decoder, decoder_kwargs, data=None): """ Reads and slices variable specific data and optionally merges it with existing data. Parameters ---------- src : xarray.Dataset Xarray dataset to extract the data from. data_variable : str Name of a data variable of interest. row : int Row number/index. col : int Column number/index. n_rows : int Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). n_cols : int Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). decoder : callable Decoding function expecting a NumPy array as input. decoder_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the decoder. data : xr.Dataset, optional Existing dataset to merge with. Returns ------- data : xr.Dataset Existing dataset (optional) plus data from the given data variable. """ data_sliced = src[data_variable][..., row: row + n_rows, col: col + n_cols] if decoder: data_sliced = decoder(data_sliced, nodataval=self.nodatavals[data_variable], data_variable=data_variable, scale_factor=self.scale_factors[data_variable], offset=self.offsets[data_variable], dtype=self.dtypes[data_variable], **decoder_kwargs) if data is None: data = data_sliced.to_dataset() else: data = data.merge(data_sliced.to_dataset()) return data def _get_chunks(self, ref_data_var_name) -> dict: """ Retrieves chunks from specific data variable. Parameters ---------- ref_data_var_name : str Name of the data variable serving as reference. Returns ------- chunks : dict Maps dimension names with chunk size. """ ref_chunksize = self._chunksizes[ref_data_var_name] chunks = {stack_dim: ref_chunksize[i] for i, stack_dim in enumerate(self.stack_dims.keys())} space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) chunks[space_dims[0]] = ref_chunksize[-2] chunks[space_dims[1]] = ref_chunksize[-1] return chunks def _get_stack_dim_size(self, stack_dim_name) -> int: """ Retrieves size of a stack dimension. If the dimension is unlimited, then the size is set to None. Parameters ---------- stack_dim_name : str Name of the stack dimension. Returns ------- int Size of the stack dimension. """ is_unlimited = self.src.dimensions[stack_dim_name].isunlimited() return self.src.dimensions[stack_dim_name].size if not is_unlimited else None def _encode_temporal_dim(self, ds, stack_dim) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieves a temporal stack dimension from a given dataset and converts its timestamps to numbers referring to a certain reference time. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to extract the timestamps from. stack_dim : str Name of the temporal dimension. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array containing the original timestamps converted to their numerical representation. """ attr = self.attrs.get(stack_dim, dict()) units = ds[stack_dim].attrs.get('units', attr.get('units', None)) calendar = ds[stack_dim].attrs.get('calendar', attr.get('calendar', None)) calendar = calendar or 'standard' units = units or 'days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00' return netCDF4.date2num(ds[stack_dim].to_index().to_pydatetime(), units, calendar=calendar) def _write_and_slice_stack_dim(self, ds) -> list: """ Writes coordinates of a stack dimension to its corresponding variable and returns a list of slices representing an indexing operation of the source data. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Xarray dataset. Returns ------- ds_idxs : list List of stack dimension slices. """ ds_idxs = [] for stack_dim in self.stack_dims.keys(): # determine index where to append if self.mode == 'a': append_start = self.src_vars[stack_dim].shape[0] else: append_start = 0 # convert timestamps to index if the stack dimension is temporal if ds[stack_dim] == 'datetime64[ns]': stack_vals = self._encode_temporal_dim(ds, stack_dim) else: stack_vals = ds[stack_dim] n_stack_vals = len(stack_vals) self.src_vars[stack_dim][append_start:append_start + n_stack_vals] = stack_vals ds_idxs.append(slice(append_start, None)) return ds_idxs def _write_and_slice_x_dim(self, ds, col) -> slice: """ Writes coordinates of a X dimension to its corresponding variable and returns a slice representing an indexing operation of the source data. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Xarray dataset. col : int Column number/index. Returns ------- slice : Slice representing the indexing of the source data in X/column direction. """ space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) dim_name = space_dims[1] n_cols = len(ds[dim_name]) if dim_name in ds.coords: self.src_vars[dim_name][col:col + n_cols] = ds[dim_name].data return slice(col, col + n_cols) def _write_and_slice_y_dim(self, ds, row) -> slice: """ Writes coordinates of a Y dimension to its corresponding variable and returns a slice representing an indexing operation of the source data. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Xarray dataset. row : int Row number/index. Returns ------- slice : Slice representing the indexing of the source data in Y/row direction. """ space_dims = list(self.space_dims.keys()) dim_name = space_dims[0] n_rows = len(ds[dim_name]) if dim_name in ds.coords: self.src_vars[dim_name][row:row + n_rows] = ds[dim_name].data return slice(row, row + n_rows) def _write_data_variable(self, ds, ds_idxs, data_variable, encoder, encoder_kwargs): """ Encodes and writes variable specific data to disk. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to write to disk. ds_idxs : list List of slices defining a subset of the data source to write to. data_variable : str Name of the data variable to write. encoder : callable, optional Encoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. """ scale_factor = self.scale_factors[data_variable] offset = self.offsets[data_variable] dtype = self.dtypes[data_variable] nodataval = self.nodatavals[data_variable] if encoder is not None: data_write = encoder(ds[data_variable].data, nodataval=nodataval, scale_factor=scale_factor, offset=offset, data_variable=data_variable, dtype=dtype, **encoder_kwargs) else: data_write = ds[data_variable].data self.src_vars[data_variable][ds_idxs] = data_write dar_md = ds[data_variable].attrs dar_md.pop('_FillValue', None) # remove this attribute because it already exists dar_md.update(self.attrs.get(data_variable, dict())) self.src_vars[data_variable].setncatts(dar_md) def __set_coding_info_from_input(self, nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, zlibs, complevels, chunksizes, var_chunk_caches): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with externally provided arguments. Parameters ---------- nodatavals : dict Maps the data variable with the respective no data value used for de- or encoding. scale_factors : dict Maps the data variable with the respective scale factor used for de- or encoding. offsets : dict Maps the data variable with the respective offset used for de- or encoding. dtypes : dict Maps the data variable with the respective data type (NumPy-style) used for de- or encoding. zlibs : dict Maps the data variable with the respective flag value indicating if ZLIB compression should be applied or not during de- or encoding.. complevels : dict Maps the data variable with the respective compression level used during de- or encoding. chunksizes : dict Maps the data variable with the respective chunk sizes given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk size for each dimension. var_chunk_caches : dict Maps the data variable with the respective chunk cache settings given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk cache settings size, nelems, preemption. """ self._var_chunk_caches = dict() self._zlibs = dict() self._complevels = dict() self._chunksizes = dict() self.scale_factors = dict() self.offsets = dict() self.nodatavals = dict() self.dtypes = dict() for variable in self.all_variables: self._zlibs[variable] = zlibs.get(variable, True) self._complevels[variable] = complevels.get(variable, 2) self._chunksizes[variable] = chunksizes.get(variable, None) self._var_chunk_caches[variable] = var_chunk_caches.get(variable, None) if variable in self.data_variables: self.scale_factors[variable] = scale_factors.get(variable, 1) self.offsets[variable] = offsets.get(variable, 0) self.nodatavals[variable] = nodatavals.get(variable, 127) self.dtypes[variable] = dtypes.get(variable, 'int8') def __set_coding_per_var_from_src(self, variable): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with coding information retrieved from the netCDF4 source dataset. Parameters ---------- variable : str NetCDF variable name. """ src_var = self.src_vars[variable] self._chunksizes[variable] = src_var.chunking() self._var_chunk_caches[variable] = self._var_chunk_caches.get(variable, src_var.get_var_chunk_cache()) if variable in self.data_variables: src_var_md = self.get_metadata(src_var) def_scale_factor = self.scale_factors.get(variable, 1) self.scale_factors[variable] = src_var_md.get('scale_factor', def_scale_factor) def_offset = self.offsets.get(variable, 0) self.offsets[variable] = src_var_md.get('add_offset', def_offset) def_nodataval = self.nodatavals.get(variable, 127) self.nodatavals[variable] = src_var_md.get('_FillValue', def_nodataval) self.dtypes[variable] = self.dtypes.get(variable, src_var.dtype) def __set_coding_from_xarray(self, ds): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with coding information retrieved from an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Xarray dataset to retrieve coding information from. """ for variable in self.all_variables: dar = ds[variable] src_var_md = dar.attrs self._zlibs[variable] = self._zlibs.get(variable, True) self._complevels[variable] = self._complevels.get(variable, 2) self._chunksizes[variable] = self._chunksizes.get(variable, dar.chunks) self._var_chunk_caches[variable] = self._var_chunk_caches.get(variable, None) if variable in ds.data_vars: def_scale_factor = self.scale_factors.get(variable, 1) self.scale_factors[variable] = src_var_md.get('scale_factor', def_scale_factor) def_offset = self.offsets.get(variable, 0) self.offsets[variable] = src_var_md.get('add_offset', def_offset) def_nodataval = self.nodatavals.get(variable, 127) self.nodatavals[variable] = src_var_md.get('_FillValue', def_nodataval) self.dtypes[variable] = self.dtypes.get(variable, def __to_dict(self, arg) -> dict: """ Assigns non-iterable object to a dictionary with NetCDF4 variables as keys. If `arg` is already a dictionary the same object is returned. Parameters ---------- arg : non-iterable or dict Non-iterable, which should be converted to a dict. Returns ------- arg_dict : dict Dictionary mapping NetCDF4 variables with the value of `arg`. """ return {var_name: arg for var_name in self.all_variables} if not isinstance(arg, dict) else arg
[docs] @staticmethod def get_metadata(src_var) -> dict: """ Collects all metadata attributes from a NetCDF4 variable. Parameters ---------- src_var : netCDF4.Variable NetCDF4 variable to extract metadata from. Returns ------- attrs : dict Metadata attributes stored in the NetCDF4 variable. """ attrs = dict() attrs_keys = src_var.ncattrs() for key in attrs_keys: attrs[key] = getattr(src_var, key) return attrs
def __get_gm_name(self) -> str: """ str : The name of the NetCDF4 variable storing information about the CRS, i.e. the variable containing an attribute named 'grid_mapping_name'. """ gm_name = None for var_name in self.src_vars.keys(): metadata = self.get_metadata(self.src_vars[var_name]) if "grid_mapping_name" in metadata.keys(): gm_name = metadata["grid_mapping_name"] break return gm_name
[docs] def close(self): """ Close file. """ if self.src is not None: self.src.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close()
[docs]class NetCdfXrFile: """ Wrapper for reading and writing NetCDF files with xarray as a backend. By default, it will create three predefined dimensions 'time', 'y', 'x', but spatial dimensions or dimensions which are used to stack data can also have an arbitrary name. """ def __init__(self, filepath, mode='r', data_variables=None, stack_dims=None, space_dims=None, scale_factors=1, offsets=0, nodatavals=127, dtypes='int8', compressions=None, chunksizes=None, attrs=None, geotrans=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), sref_wkt=None, nc_format="NETCDF4_CLASSIC", metadata=None, overwrite=True, auto_decode=False, engine='netcdf4'): """ Constructor of `NetCdfXrFile`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full system path to a NetCDF file. mode : str, optional File opening mode. The following modes are available: 'r' : read data from an existing NetCDF file (default) 'w' : write data to a new NetCDF file data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables stored in the NetCDF file. If `mode='w'`, then the data variable names are used to match the given encoding attributes, e.g. `scale_factors`, `offsets`, ... stack_dims : dict, optional Dictionary containing the dimension names to stack the data over space as keys and their length as values. By default it is set to {'time': None}, i.e. an unlimited temporal dimension. space_dims : 2-list, optional The two names of the spatial dimension in Y and X direction. By default it is set to ['y', 'x']. scale_factors : dict or number, optional Scale factor used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 1. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective scale factor. offsets : dict or number, optional Offset used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 0. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective offset. nodatavals : dict or number, optional No data value used for de- or encoding. Defaults to 127. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective no data value. dtypes : dict or str, optional Data types used for de- or encoding (NumPy-style). Defaults to 'int8'. It can either be one value (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective data type. compressions : dict, optional Compression settings used for de- or encoding. Defaults to None, i.e. xarray's default values are used. It can either be one dictionary (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective compression settings. See chunksizes : dict or tuple, optional Chunk sizes given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk sizes for each dimension. Defaults to None, i.e. no chunking is used. It can either be one value/3-tuple (will be used for all data variables), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective chunk sizes. attrs : dict, optional Data variable specific attributes. This can be an important parameter, when for instance setting the units of a data variable. Defaults to None. It can either be one dictionary (will be used for all data variables, so maybe the `metadata` parameter is more suitable), or a dictionary mapping the data variable with the respective attributes. geotrans : 6-tuple or list, optional Geo-transformation parameters with the following entries: 0: Top-left X coordinate 1: W-E pixel sampling 2: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 3: Top-left Y coordinate 4: Rotation, 0 if image is axis-parallel 5: N-S pixel sampling (negative value if North-up) Defaults to (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1). sref_wkt : str, optional Coordinate Reference System (CRS) information in WKT format. Defaults to None. metadata : dict, optional Global metadata attributes. Defaults to None. nc_format : str, optional NetCDF formats: - 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' (default) - 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', - 'NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET', - 'NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA'. overwrite : bool, optional Flag if the file can be overwritten if it already exists (defaults to False). auto_decode : bool, optional True if data should be decoded according to the information available in its header. False if not (default). engine : str, optional Specifies what engine should be used in the background to read or write NetCDF data. Defaults to 'netcdf4'. See """ self.src = None self.filepath = filepath self.mode = mode self.data_variables = to_list(data_variables) self.sref_wkt = sref_wkt self.geotrans = geotrans self.metadata = metadata or dict() self.overwrite = overwrite self._engine = engine self.nc_format = nc_format self.auto_decode = auto_decode self.stack_dims = stack_dims or {'time': None} self.space_dims = space_dims or ['y', 'x'] if len(self.space_dims) != 2: err_msg = "The number of spatial dimensions must equal 2." raise ValueError(err_msg) self.attrs = attrs or dict() compressions = self.__to_dict(compressions) chunksizes = self.__to_dict(chunksizes) scale_factors = self.__to_dict(scale_factors) offsets = self.__to_dict(offsets) nodatavals = self.__to_dict(nodatavals) dtypes = self.__to_dict(dtypes) self.__set_coding_from_external_input(nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, chunksizes, compressions) if mode == 'r': self._open() @property def all_variables(self): """ Returns all relevant (data, spatial and stack) variables of the xarray dataset. """ return self.data_variables + list(self.stack_dims.keys()) + self.space_dims @property def raster_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ 2-tuple: Tuple specifying the raster_shape of the raster (defined by the spatial dimensions). """ return len(self.src[self.space_dims[0]]), len(self.src[self.space_dims[1]]) def _open(self, ds=None): """ Opens a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset, optional Dataset used to create a new NetCDF file. """ if self.mode == 'r': self.__open_read() elif self.mode == 'w': self.__open_write(ds) else: err_msg = f"Mode '{self.mode}' not known." raise ValueError(err_msg) def _reset(self): """ Resets internal class variables with properties from an existing NetCDF dataset. """ stack_dims = list(set(self.src.dims.keys()) - set(self.space_dims)) if self.mode == 'r': self.stack_dims = {stack_dim: len(self.src[stack_dim]) for stack_dim in stack_dims} dims = stack_dims + self.space_dims if len(self.data_variables) == 0: self.data_variables = [self.src[dvar].name for dvar in self.src.data_vars if list(self.src[dvar].dims) == dims] for data_variable in self.all_variables: self.__set_coding_per_var_from_src(data_variable) def __open_read(self): """ Creates a new xarray dataset source in read mode. """ if not os.path.exists(self.filepath): err_msg = f"File '{self.filepath}' does not exist." raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) self.src = xr.open_mfdataset(self.filepath, mask_and_scale=self.auto_decode, engine=self._engine, use_cftime=False, decode_cf=True, decode_coords="all") self.geotrans = tuple( rio_crs = self.sref_wkt = rio_crs.to_wkt() if rio_crs is not None else None self.metadata = self.src.attrs self._reset() def __open_write(self, ds): """ Prepares a xarray dataset for writing. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Xarray dataset to write. """ self.src = ds if self.sref_wkt is not None:, inplace=True)*self.geotrans), inplace=True) self.src.attrs.update(self.metadata) self._reset() n_rows, n_cols = self.raster_shape ds[self.space_dims[0]] = self.geotrans[3] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_rows)) * self.geotrans[4] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_rows)) * self.geotrans[5] ds[self.space_dims[1]] = self.geotrans[0] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_cols)) * self.geotrans[1] + \ (0.5 + np.arange(n_cols)) * self.geotrans[2]
[docs] def read(self, row=0, col=0, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, data_variables=None, decoder=None, decoder_kwargs=None) -> xr.Dataset: """ Read mosaic from netCDF4 file. Parameters ---------- row : int, optional Row number/index. Defaults to 0. col : int, optional Column number/index. Defaults to 0. n_rows : int, optional Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. n_cols : int, optional Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). If None (default), then the full extent of the raster is used. data_variables : list, optional Data variables to read. Default is to read all available data variables. decoder : callable, optional Decoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. decoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the decoder. Returns ------- data : xarray.Dataset Data stored in the NetCDF file. """ decoder_kwargs = decoder_kwargs or dict() n_rows = self.raster_shape[0] if n_rows is None else n_rows n_cols = self.raster_shape[1] if n_cols is None else n_cols data_variables = data_variables or self.data_variables data = None for data_variable in data_variables: data = self._read_data_variable(data_variable, row, col, n_rows, n_cols, decoder, decoder_kwargs, data) return data
def _read_data_variable(self, data_variable, row, col, n_rows, n_cols, decoder, decoder_kwargs, data=None): """ Reads and slices variable specific data and optionally merges it with existing data. Parameters ---------- data_variable : str Name of a data variable of interest. row : int Row number/index. col : int Column number/index. n_rows : int Number of rows of the reading window (counted from `row`). n_cols : int Number of columns of the reading window (counted from `col`). decoder : callable Decoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. decoder_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the decoder. data : xr.Dataset, optional Existing dataset to merge with. Returns ------- data : xr.Dataset Existing dataset (optional) plus data from the given data variable. """ data_sliced = self.src[data_variable][..., row: row + n_rows, col: col + n_cols] ref_chunksize = self._chunksizes[data_variable] if ref_chunksize is not None: chunks = {stack_dim: ref_chunksize[i] for i, stack_dim in enumerate(self.stack_dims.keys())} chunks[self.space_dims[0]] = ref_chunksize[-2] chunks[self.space_dims[1]] = ref_chunksize[-1] data_sliced = data_sliced.chunk(chunks) if decoder: data_sliced = decoder(data_sliced, nodataval=self.nodatavals[data_variable], data_variable=data_variable, scale_factor=self.scale_factors[data_variable], offset=self.offsets[data_variable], dtype=self.dtypes[data_variable], **decoder_kwargs) if data is None: data = data_sliced.to_dataset() else: data = data.merge(data_sliced.to_dataset()) return data
[docs] def write(self, ds, data_variables=None, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, compute=True): """ Write data to a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to write to disk. data_variables : list, optional Data variables to write. Default is to write all available data variables. encoder : callable, optional Encoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. compute : bool, optional If True (default), compute immediately, otherwise only a delayed dask array is stored. """ self._open(ds) data_variables = data_variables or self.data_variables encoder_kwargs = encoder_kwargs or dict() ds_write = self.src unlimited_dims = [k for k, v in self.stack_dims.items() if v is None] encoding = {data_variable: self._encode_data_variable(ds_write, data_variable, encoder, encoder_kwargs) for data_variable in data_variables} for dim in ds_write.dims: units = ds_write[dim].attrs.get('units', None) if units: encoding.update({ {'units': units}}) ds_write.to_netcdf(self.filepath, mode=self.mode, format=self.nc_format, engine=self._engine, encoding=encoding, compute=compute, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims)
def _encode_data_variable(self, ds, data_variable, encoder, encoder_kwargs) -> dict: """ Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to write to disk. data_variable : str Data variable to encode. encoder : callable Encoding function expecting an xarray.DataArray as input. encoder_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the encoder. Returns ------- encoding_info : dict Encoding information for the given data variable. """ if encoder is not None: ds[data_variable] = encoder(ds[data_variable], data_variable=data_variable, nodataval=self.nodatavals[data_variable], scale_factor=self.scale_factors[data_variable], offset=self.offsets[data_variable], dtype=self.dtypes[data_variable], **encoder_kwargs) encoding_info = dict() compression = self._compressions[data_variable] if compression is not None: encoding_info.update(compression) chunksizes = self._chunksizes[data_variable] if chunksizes is not None: encoding_info['chunksizes'] = chunksizes return encoding_info def __set_coding_from_external_input(self, nodatavals, scale_factors, offsets, dtypes, chunksizes, compressions): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with externally provided arguments. Parameters ---------- nodatavals : dict Maps the data variable with the respective no data value used for de- or encoding. scale_factors : dict Maps the data variable with the respective scale factor used for de- or encoding. offsets : dict or number, optional Maps the data variable with the respective offset used for de- or encoding. dtypes : dict Maps the data variable with the respective data type (NumPy style) used for de- or encoding. compressions : dict Maps the data variable with the respective compression settings. See chunksizes : dict Maps the data variable with the respective chunk sizes given as a 3-tuple specifying the chunk sizes for each dimension. """ self._compressions = dict() self._chunksizes = dict() self.scale_factors = dict() self.offsets = dict() self.nodatavals = dict() self.dtypes = dict() for variable in self.all_variables: self._compressions[variable] = compressions.get(variable, None) self._chunksizes[variable] = chunksizes.get(variable, None) if variable in self.data_variables: self.scale_factors[variable] = scale_factors.get(variable, 1) self.offsets[variable] = offsets.get(variable, 0) self.nodatavals[variable] = nodatavals.get(variable, 127) self.dtypes[variable] = dtypes.get(variable, 'int8') def __set_coding_per_var_from_src(self, variable): """ Sets/overwrites internal dictionaries used to store all the coding information applied during en- or decoding with coding information retrieved from the xarray source dataset. Parameters ---------- variable : str Xarray dataset variable name. """ self._compressions[variable] = self._compressions.get(variable, None) ref_chunksizes = self.src[variable].encoding.get('chunksizes', None) self._chunksizes[variable] = self._chunksizes.get(variable, ref_chunksizes) if variable in self.data_variables: ref_scale_factor = self.scale_factors.get(variable, 1) self.scale_factors[variable] = self.src[variable].attrs.get('scale_factor', ref_scale_factor) ref_offset = self.offsets.get(variable, 0) self.offsets[variable] = self.src[variable].attrs.get('add_offset', ref_offset) ref_nodataval = self.nodatavals.get(variable, 127) self.nodatavals[variable] = self.src[variable].attrs.get('_FillValue', ref_nodataval) ref_dtype = self.dtypes.get(variable, self.src[variable] self.dtypes[variable] = ref_dtype def __to_dict(self, arg) -> dict: """ Assigns non-iterable object to a dictionary with NetCDF variables as keys. If `arg` is already a dictionary the same object is returned. Parameters ---------- arg : non-iterable or dict Non-iterable, which should be converted to a dict. Returns ------- arg_dict : dict Dictionary mapping NetCDF variables with the value of `arg`. """ all_variables = self.data_variables + list(self.stack_dims.keys()) + self.space_dims if not isinstance(arg, dict) or (isinstance(arg, dict) and not isinstance(arg[list(arg.keys())[0]], dict)): arg_dict = dict() for data_variable in all_variables: arg_dict[data_variable] = arg else: arg_dict = arg return arg_dict
[docs] def close(self): """ Close file. """ if self.src is not None: self.src.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': pass